Superman Wears a GoPro, The Super Hero POV Video…

Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! Look up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, nope it’s Superman wearing a GoPro camera.

Join the man of steel as he speeds though the skies righting wrongs and saving the day, all the while providing the most spectacular point of view (POV) footage seen this week. Produced by small independent video production company CorridorDigital the highly amusing video perfectly captures life through the eyes of a super hero.

Presented for your viewing pleasure is the video that gave half of the world vertigo and the other half a rollercoaster thrill ride. Sit back, relax and hit the play button to begin this wild ride.

Superman Flashback: 1954 Superman TV series shot in black and white, strangely hilarious


Author: Buddhas Brother