Hiring a Muppet Intern, a Bad Idea with Hilarious Consequences…

Hiring an intern is like introducing a little bit of chaos into any office, interns have a peculiar influence on an office. Weather its youthful exuberance or simply the unfettered mind interns bring a can do attitude to doing nothing as they perfect the art of looking busy. Choosing an intern though can at times be like a shot in the dark, you just never know.

BuzzFeed aren’t afraid to ask the difficult questions, now they have posed a question so curly that no other news feed would dare touch it,’ What if the Muppets were interns?’ Obviously a situation bound to result in many hilarious Muppet related disasters. Can the office survive Ms Piggy, Animal and the rest of the Muppet gang? Will BuzzFeed ever be the same?

Presented for your viewing pleasure is the hilarious experiment that is the Muppet Interns. Sit back, relax and be sure to have your laughing pants on, this one may result in laughter related injuries.

Author: Buddhas Brother