Battle of the YouTube Superstar: Fun with Lasers versus Circus Bear Eats Monkey…

Video may have killed the radio star but this week YouTube confirmed that it had killed the video star. Terminating TV’s unholy grip on the world YouTube is looking a lot like a world wide cable TV network.

Can nothing slow the YouTube juggernaut, after launching paid for channels and announcing the conquest of TV YouTube was still able to keep the gold rolling, presenting more hilarious video’s than ever, video’s about nothing granted.

Take this weeks challengers for example, two fascinating and disturbingly hilarious videos that captured the worlds attention, both for very different reasons. Having fun with lasers WorldScott demonstrates just how powerful a BluRay laser really is, fascinating and informative. In complete contrast the Chinese Circus Bear kills Monkey video is the funniest video with a shocking and disturbing ending ever uploaded to YouTube’s servers.

Pocket BluRay Laser kills 100 Black Balloons
YouTube videographer WorldScott has been publishing fascination science based videos for the last 2 years. In this latest video WorldScott transplants a BluRay laser diode into LED torch body, creating a laser pointer that hurts. Putting the laser up against 100 black balloons the power of the laser would be put to the test. The sounds of the balloons bursting and surprisingly powerful laser put a smile on our face every time this video played.

Chinese Circus Bear kills Circus Monkey
This weeks second video is a disturbingly attention grabbing clip captured during a monkey and bear bicycle race at a circus in China. Little thought had obviously been put into the winners prize by the races organizers, but the bear had some ideas.

Both of the races contestants start on the opposite sides of the circus ring, both animals seeming to be adept cycle riders, surprisingly the bear seems to be most adept of the two It seems fairly certain the animals trainers had never planned on the bear actually winning the race and catching the monkey, but he did, this one time at least.

By sheer weight of numbers laser beats bear this time round, fun with lasers has collected over half a million views in 12 days while the Chinese Circus Bear has chomped its way through 120,000 views in 5 days. The circus may have shocked and amused but art and science have combined this week to takes the prize becoming this weeks YouTube Superstar.

Author: Buddhas Brother