The USB Condom, Protection from Juice Jackers…

In today’s connected and battery powered world it is sometimes necessary to plug your phone or tablet into a public charging station, a practice that turns out to be far more dangerous than you might expect, one that puts you at risk of being Juice-Jacked. The art of stealing data while devices are charging.

Fake public charging ports have even appeared that are designed to look like public ports but these are built purely for the task of Juice-Jacking.


These unfamiliar public ports can harbor many dangers; virus infections or if your phone is left in media mode the port can download all of your private information and even passwords.

highpants-usb-condom3The USB Condom comes to the rescue by turning off the data lines of your USB port, leaving the power lines enabled to let you charge up your touch screen delight in total safety. Developed by New Your security firm the USB Condom sits in between your device and the USB charge point, generally on the end of your USB cable, put it on before you go out and your ready for any occasion.

The little safety gadget can be purchased online from SyncStop or their own site for $10, thankfully these ones are reusable.

Author: Buddhas Brother