From the Other Side: A Cats Guide to Taking Care of Your Human…

Anyone that’s had a cat knows that they can tend to demand attention, the purpose of these affections has now been revealed, and it seems there is a plan. Charged with many roles our pets provide far more than we ever suspected. Their roles far more defined than we could ever believe.

Little did we know that a cats behaviour is no random happen-stance, cats, and other pets for that matter, have a plan, and who would have guessed it’s all laid out in the cat manual, “Taking care of Your Human.” The hugely popular video provides a unique perspective of feline world, drawing us in with its cleverly constructed cuteness then providing an advertisement punch line, this is an advertisement for Purina kitty litter after all.

Presented for your viewing pleasure is this cats take on our human world. Sit back, relax and warm up your happy face this one’s a grinner. Be sure that any house pets are out of the room too, they can’t know that we know, it may upset the balance.

Buddhas Brother out…

Author: Buddhas Brother